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Dr Karen Keeshan

UofG Profile​


The Howat Foundation supported the recruitment of Dr Karen Keeshan as a Senior Lecturer to the Paul O’Gorman Leukaemia Research Centre in the Institute of Cancer Sciences in 2012. The purpose was to establish a leader in leukaemia research with a specific focus on childhood leukaemia. The focus of research in the lab is on understanding the genes that have gone awry in adult and childhood acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) with the longterm goal of improving childhood therapy. Using cutting edge technologies and model systems, the Keeshan lab are investigating the mechanisms leading to the differences in childhood and adult AML. Work in the lab includes studies that will provide important biological information on the drugs used in the newly opened childhood AML clinical Trial, MyeChild01. This work aims to provide a novel insight into the clinical treatment of AML and highlight the differences that should be considered clinically in paediatric and adult AML. The collaborative links generated and projects ongoing in the lab as a result of The Howat Foundation funding has significantly advanced the research capabilities in childhood AML in Scotland and the UK. Tangible patient benefits in the form of the MyeChild01 clinical trial in childhood AML highlights how this funding has accelerated research into this disease. 



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